Compose An Essay Addressing A Current Topic That Illustrates Executive-Legislative Relations
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Brigance Testing - Inventory of Early Development Free Essay Example, 2000 words
The test has to be comprehensive and user-friendly in such a way that it provides the teachers with a flexible, valid, and reliable ongoing assessment of school readiness skills. The developmental sequence develops from the known to the unknown, whereby the teacher starts assessing from what the child knows and delves deeper into what the child does not know, yet he or she should have knowledge of it. This enables the teacher to understand the functioning and progress of a child, their weaknesses, and strengths, which are instrumental in setting individualized instructional goals. Teachers can continually administer this test to the child as they progress through each level in order to measure and report their progress over a period. This links the on-going criterion-referenced assessment to Bringance Inventory of Early Childhood Development in schools. A Bringance Test definitely manages to measure what it intends to measure, which is particularly to evaluate and monitor the progre ss of children who are functioning below the developmental age of seven years. In order for the teachers to provide the child with the necessary support to overcome their areas of academic difficulties, it is imperative for them to know the exact areas where a particular child has weaknesses or strengths, and where he or she needs guidance and support. We will write a custom essay sample on Brigance Testing - Inventory of Early Development or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page On the other hand, teachers get to know the areas where some of the children have strengths, and as such, build on them to enable them to flourish with academic excellence as they go through the learning process.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Euthanasia A Painless Deaceful Death Essay - 2108 Words
Euthanasia is a painless peaceful death. Euthanasia is defined as the deliberate putting to death of a person suffering from a painful, incurable disease(New Standard Encyclopedia Dictionary). People use other terms to describe euthanasia: mercy killing, assisted suicide, and physician assisted suicide. Euthanasia can be unresponsive, (inactive) or active. Unresponsive euthanasia occurs when an incurably ill person refuses life sustaining medical support. Active euthanasia happens when another person deliberately causes the death of a terminally ill person, such as when someone gives a terminally ill person a lethal injection. Euthanasia can also be voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary euthanasia occurs with the consent of the dying person,†¦show more content†¦Anyone with strong religious convictions believes that only God or a supreme being has the right to choose life or death. Advocates also argue that physicians, who are trained to heal, not kill, do not have any rights to choose who lives or dies. Those who are for euthanasia and the â€Å"right to die†issue believe that it is each person’s choice. Before the Karen Ann Quinlan case, the law did not say whose choice it was to live or die. Now with laws, different than they were in 1976, there are sicker or even well people have been living wills. These living wills are to help people make their own decisions, whether they live or die. People worry about the cost of continuing medical costs. These costs stem from out-of-pocket cost, that which is not covered by insurance companies. People also forget that the patient’s family members have jobs, but with the patient’s needs, the family’s job may suffer. They may have fewer hours or even due to not showing up because of medical responsibilities, they may lose that job. There is also the emotional cost, tension among the patient and the family members. A fact also is that men don’t live as long as a woman. A woman tries to make her husband’s life easier and last longer; she may be spending more on money than she can afford. That is exactly what happened to my grandmother. My grandfather had a brain tumor that they couldn’t fully remove. My grandfather was given six months to live, he lasted 1
Monday, December 9, 2019
Bataan Death March Essay Research Paper I free essay sample
Bataan Death March Essay, Research Paper I am non certain when this atrocious ordeal all began. Be it merely after the Nipponese bombed Pearl Harbor or was it when World War II began? Many of the subsisters of the Bataan Death March believe it began in March of 1942. This was when General MacArthur received orders to go forth his US Army forces and flight to Australia. The ground forces forces were left under the bid of Major General Edward male monarch at the southern tip of the Bataan Peninsula. It was non more than a twosome of months, when the odds against the American Filipino military personnels staying on Bataan become overwhelming. On the tragic twenty-four hours of April 9, 1942, Major General King surrendered all forces on the peninsula. The Nipponese took 1000s of captives about instantly. With Allied combatants spread throughout Bataan, it would be yearss before the word of resignation could make them all. We will write a custom essay sample on Bataan Death March Essay Research Paper I or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Many cavalrymans refused to believe that the intelligence of United States resignation was existent, and some retreated further into the mountains and continued to contend. When Nipponese forces enter the small town of Mariveles, they had captured 76,000 American Filipino captives, most of whom were ill, wounded or enduring from malnutrition. The Nipponese supply line, hardly sufficient to back up their ain military personnels, would be unable to transport these captives of war ( POW ) . The captives were forced to process the 65 stat mis of unreliable terrain to the Nipponese POW Camp, Camp O Donnell, to the North. The ill-famed Death March had begun. The captives were marched all twenty-four hours and about all dark. The Japanese in their release of defeat would crush the captives with the but terminal of their ripples or sheathed blades. The American captives were frequently given H2O, but no nutrient. The Filipino captives would seek to assist the American captives by giving them nutrient take they were given. If they were caught they were tortured and killed. Day after twenty-four hours the captives were forced to process. Jesse Knowles, a subsiste r of the Death March, tells his experience of The Hitch in Hell. As I wal ked under the combustion Sun my pess ached and my tummy cramped. I had non eaten in six or seven yearss and I felt as though any minute my pess would fall from underneath me. We came to a fillet point, where the Japanese decided to give us a drink of H2O. While I was waiting for the guard to come around with the H2O, I can retrieve feeling thirsty and even hungrier. Looking down I noticed some type of worn in the soil. I bent down with the ironss on my custodies and picked it up. As I stood up directly the guard butted me in the tummy with his ripple. I did non acquire any H2O that twenty-four hours, but subsequently that dark when no 1 was looking, I eat the worn that I had so how mange to salvage. From that minute on I know that I was on a enlistment in snake pit. Many captives were consistently executed, while the ill and weak were pushed to exhaustion before being round to decease. Others died of hungriness, thirst and infections. Thousands of cavalrymans were able to get away into the jungle. Many of the 54,000 who survived the March across Bataan would subsequently yield to disease or torment while imprisoned. Mike Weaver, besides a subsister of the March, recalls the clip when Three work forces attempted to get away, and the Japs decided to do illustrations of them. They took them to the margin of the compound where everyone could watch. They tied them in a half standing and half kneeling place where they lasted three yearss, at which clip the Japs made them delve their ain Gravess, and so hit them. The Japanese besides had many ways of tormenting a individual without killing them. Mike Weaver besides tells about, A soldier that had defied the Japs and talked back, they tied him down and drove a nail in has forehead. This adult male lived until the clip his ship was done for several old ages subsequently. The Bataan Death March, recognized as one of the greatest inhumanenesss of W.W.II, is besides one of the greatest shows of gallantry and human spirit on the portion of those who did last. This was a genuinely tragic event that will ever be remembered for those 10,000 and some uneven people who gave their life for their state.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Sickle Cell Anemia Essays (868 words) - RTT, Hematopathology
Sickle Cell Anemia The problem is that sickle cell anemia affects about 72,000 Americans in the United States. Sickle cell anemia is an inherited disease in which the body is unable to produce normal hemoglobin, an iron-containing protein. Abnormal hemoglobin can morph cells that can become lodged in narrow blood vessels, blocking oxygen from reaching organs and tissues. The effects of sickle cell anemia are bouts of extreme pain, infectious, fever, jaundice, stroke, slow growth, organ, and failure. Sickle cell anemia hurts many people today in fact it hurts about 72,000 Americans. But some doctors are finding cures for this inherited disease. This disease causes mainly strokes and fever. With this disease a stroke is not predictable, a stroke can happen as early as a one month old as a baby. It can hurt a person really bad because it causes them to not be able to do many things like can't play sports, and things that gets your heart pumping because if the red blood cells gets clogged up it can causes a stroke because oxygen can't flow. Most Americans who have sickle cell anemia are of African descent. The disease also affects Americans from the Caribbean, Central America, and parts of South America, Turkey, Greece, Italy, the Middle East and East India. Since sickle cell anemia is an inherited disease if both parents have the trait for sickle cell, their baby's chances of having sickle cell disease is one in four. Many doctors are trying to find cures for this disease by trying the solution on patients. Doctors at Emory University and University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, Chicago. Doctors in Emory University in Atlanta credited an experimental stem cell transplant that for the first time is not from a related donor. This transplant cured the inherited disease from Keone Penn who is 13 years old from Georgia. He suffered a stroke at 5 years old and had a fever of 106 degrees, "I almost died" (Ferraro, Newspaper Article) What the doctors did was replaced the boy's bone marrow with stem cells taken from the umbilical cord blood of an infant not related to him. Dr. Ruby Bellevue of New York Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn has patient that he wants to do the transplant procedure on, but he is waiting for more studies to come out to see what the long-term effects are. Some effects could be rejection, complications, and/or death. For many years, doctors could only treat the sickle cell disease with blood transfusions and antibiotics. But until now, the only hope for a cure has been through bone marrow transplants, dangerous and rarely performed because they require a match between donor and the person receiving it. The good thing about stem cell transplants is does not require as precise a match. For Keone the 13 years old kid was worth it. "I am happy. This has been my wish my whole life, to not have sickle cell." (Ferraro, Newspaper Article) The doctors of University of Mississippi Medical Center use Doppler ultrasound to examine head and neck blood flow. The ultrasound measures the speed of the blood in the vessels. Early detection can help and decrease the risk of stroke. The program involved in this problem is the National Institutes of Health declared September as Sickle Cell Awareness Month. The educational and research organization have promoted awareness of sickle cell disease, a group of inherited disorders characterized by anemia which means a reduced number of red blood cell and the production of sickle hemoglobin is a molecule found in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body. My suggestion for dealing with this problem is to go to the doctor to get an examination if you play any sports or go for a jog or run and experiment any difficulty breathing. If you don't have trouble breathing, maybe if you feel dizzy or feel like you about to blackout when you do something I recommend going to the doctors for an examination. It is better to find out the problem first before you will experiment a stroke a high fever that can cause a death. I think early detection help a lot and could
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