Compose An Essay Addressing A Current Topic That Illustrates Executive-Legislative Relations
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Molds and Yeasts in Microbiology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Molds and Yeasts in Microbiology - Essay Example They also differ in colour in that the molds are colourful while yeast is just white and thread. Molds are in most cases live in moist, shadowy or steam-filled parts while yeast can be found in the stomachs of mammals, on fruits, on skin, etc.( Burton & Engelkirk, 2000; 25) In spite of the fungi’s role in causing diseases, they still are beneficial and useful organisms to the human beings and are utilized both commercially and industrially. For example, the use of yeasts in the fermentation process in brewing, bread making and wine making. Yeasts and other fungi also play a significant part in bio-control agent, food processing, enzyme biotechnology, drug manufacture, as well as research and development. People risk fungal infections when the stability of microorganisms in the vagina, mouth, intestines and other places in the body is interfered with, and results in an overgrowth of fungus. Pathogenic fungi cause human infectious diseases which are classified according to their degree of tissue involvement and means of entry to the host. (Cowan & Talaro, 2009; 403). Superficial mycoses are restricted to the outmost cover of the skin, the hair, and nails. Some common examples are ringworm, athletes foot, jock itch, and yeast infections. Cutaneous mycoses go deep into the epidermis, and also comprise invasive hair and nail infections. Subcutaneous mycoses infections are localised to the dermis, subcutaneous tissue or adjacent structures such as; muscle and fascia. However, systemic mycoses mainly involve deep infections of the internal organs because primary pathogens that are inherently virulent originate primarily in the lungs, and may spread through to many organ systems (Jucker, 2003; 18). Pathogenic fungi produce infections that are classified into two: systemic and superficial. Systemic infections involve internal organs. Fungi can transmit a disease to deeper tissue causing septicemia, which
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Miniplates for Osteosynthesis of Middle Facial Fractures
Miniplates for Osteosynthesis of Middle Facial Fractures INTRODUCTION Numerous biomechanical studies illustrate the stability of the rigid fixation for mandibular fractures4-6. However, little research has focused on the maxilla, despite the fact that Le Fort fractures and osteotomies are common clinical presentations. For the treatment of Le Fort maxillary fractures, the primary aims include the restoration of correct midfacial vertical height and anterior projection and restoration of occlusion. Nonetheless, the removal rate of the miniplates and screws were approximately 50% in orthognathic surgery (Le Fort I osteotomy), due predominantly to infection or wound dehiscence7. The other problem is that patients sometimes complain of weak clenching after the operation, therefore questions regarding minimum number of plates and stability following fixation have risen in recent times. Miniplate osteosynthesis, developed by Champy in 19751, is todays standard for the treatment of facial fracture. More recently resorbable plates2 and screws and 3-dimensional miniplating system3, have been introduced for fixation of facial fractures. Many studies have proved the efficacy of three dimensional plating systems in mandible fractures but very little research have been carried out on midface fractures. We studied the efficacy of three dimensional plates in midface fractures and found them efficacious enough to stabilize the bone fragments during osteosynthesis. Three dimensional miniplating system was introduced by Farmand (1992)3. The basic concept of three-dimensional fixation is that a geometrically closed quadrangular plate secured with bone screws creates stability in three dimensions. The three dimensional plates are positioned perpendicular to the fracture line. The screws adapt each part of the plate separately without any tension to the bone. The cross linking provides the stability to the system. Three dimensional miniplates are easy to adjust, requires minimal tissue dissection thus least disturbing the blood supply and because of its design fixation points remain in the vicinity of fracture line. Its low profile design and space between plate holes permits excellent revascularization. The biomechanical and technical advantages of three dimensional miniplate systems over two dimensional miniplate system promoted the current study to evaluate the efficacy of the 3-D titanium miniplates as a viable treatment modality in the osteosynthesis of middle third facial fractures. MATERIAL AND METHOD Subjects for the present study were selected amongst the patients, attending the outpatients department and emergency services of Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Kothiwal dental college and research centre,Moradabad. Study comprised of thirty patients, with isolated lefort I fracture,20 patients had bilateral fracture and 10 patients had unilateral lefort I fracture . All patients were taken up randomly irrespective of age, sex caste and creed. Patients were diagnosed on the basis of clinical examination and radiographic interpretation. Preoperative evaluation included careful examination of the soft tissues and underlying skeleton. A thorough physical examination was carried out to exclude any other injuries. All selected patients were informed about the experimental nature of the study and the possible complications were explained. Their co-operation was solicited and informed consent was obtained. The patient received prophylactic antibiotic coverage and analgesics at the time of initial presentation. INVESTIGATIONS Radiographs: The following radiographs were used to confirm clinical diagnosis and to assess the exact location of fracture and degree of displacement Occipitomental view and submentovertex view for midface PA – Mandible view OPG view (Orthopantomogram) CT scan as needed Other investigations Routine Blood investigation Urine analysis Urine analysis TREATMENT PLANNING All patients were admitted to the hospital prior surgery. Erich’s arch bar were placed on upper and lower standing teeth to stabilize the fracture segment and to achieve occlusion before plating. ARMAMENTRIUM Basic instrument set for maxillofacial surgery Instrument used for intermaxillary fixation 3-DIMENSIONAL TITANIUM MINIPLATE 1.7 MM SYSTEM PLATES DESIGN: 4 different designs of three-dimensional titanium miniplates were included. 2ц¦2 holed square plate 2 x 2 holed rectangular plates 3 x 2 holed continuous rectangle or double rectangle 42 holed –continuous rectangle plate All the plates had 1.7 mm diameter holes. PROFILE HEIGHT 0.6 mm (low profile plates) SCREWS Non compression, self-tapping, monocortical screws with round head. Diameter : 1.7 mm Length : 5mm, 7mm and 9 mm DRILL BIT: Diameter: 1.2 mm CONVENTIOANAL TITANIUM MINIPLATE 1.7 MM SYSTEM 1ц¦2 holed – straight plate PROFILE HEIGHT 1.0mm SCREWS Non compression, self-tapping, monocortical screws with round head. Diameter : 1.7 mm Length : 5mm, 7mm and 9 mm DRILL BIT: Diameter: 1.2 mm ACCESSORIES Screwdrivers Bone plate holding forceps Bone plate bending forceps Plate cutting pliers OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE FOR THREE DIMENSIONAL MINIPLATES Patients were operated either under general anesthesia (Naso-tracheal intubations) or local anesthesia. Strict asepsis was followed. In this study, the fracture sites were exposed through standard intraoral vestibular incision.(Fig.1), Following reduction of the fragments and temporary maxillomandibular fixation, a suitable 3D plate was selected and bent with a plate bending pliers to conform the proper adaptation of plates to bone surface. The three dimensional titanium miniplates were then positioned in such a way that the horizontal cross-bars were perpendicular to the fracture line and the vertical ones were parallel to it (Fig.2). Holding the plate perpendicular to the reduced fracture, drilling was performed through the hole in the plate strictly perpendicular to the bone surface. The drilling was performed at slow-speed along with copious saline irrigation to prevent damage to the bone by heat. To avoid injury to the dental roots the superior holes were drilled strictly monocortically, and directed into the space between the roots. Later screws of suitable length were selected for fixation of the plate. In each case the upper screws were tightened first, followed by the lower ones. For screw tightening the rotations were executed using the screw-holding screw driver. Maxillomandibular fixation was released and occlusion was checked by moving the lower jaw. The site was closed using 3-0 silk suture material. No maxillomandibular fixation was required in any of the patient. OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE FOR THREE DIMENSIONAL MINIPLATES Operative technique for conventional plate was similar to the one used for three dimensional miniplate.Intraoral vestibular incision was used in all the patients and after fracture reduction either conventional 2 dimensional L shaped plate was fixed at zygomaticomaxillary buttress region and 2 hole with gap miniplate was placed over nasomaxillary buttress region. POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT Postoperative course of medication consisted of injection ceftriaxone 1gm 12 hourly (i.v.), injection metrogyl 100ml 8 hourly (i.v.) and analgesic and multivitamin preparation continued till 5th postoperative day. All patients were put on liquid diet for first 2 weeks. All patients were encouraged to maintained good oral hygiene. Sutures were removed on the 7th postoperative day. All patients were followed up at regular interval that is at 1st week, 3rd week, 6th week and 3 month postoperatively regarding restoration of function, stability of system used and any complication. Assessment of the patients was done under following parameters: Pain Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) (0-10) Swelling present/absent. Occlusion intact/deranged Mobility of fracture segment-present/Absent Infection/wound dehiscence -present/Absent Hardware failure present/Absent STATISTICAL ANALYSIS The following statistical tools were employed for the present study: Mean, Standard Deviation, Student’t’ test, Paired‘t’ test and Chi-square test RESULTS We obtained following results in our study Patients in the 31-40 years of age were the predominant age group presenting with midface fractures (50%). Males were most commonly affected with Lefort I fracture (92.84%). The most common cause of midface fracture was found to be road traffic accident (92.8%). There is significant decrease in pain at 3 WK, 6 WK and 3rd Months from the Baseline (1WK) for both the groups Swelling was present in 15 patients (50%). It decreased significantly at 3W, 6WK, 3 MONTHS, from baseline (1WK)(fig.3) There is significant improvement (75%) in post traumatic Parasthesia of infraorbital nerve following fixation with 3-D plating system.(Fig.4) Occlusion was achieved in all the patients after surgery No sign of infection and hardware failure was present in any patient. DISCUSSION Le Fort I maxillary fractures are among the injuries encountered most frequently in patients who suffer facial trauma and it is common in orthognathic surgery. Fixation of maxillary Le Fort I fractures(/osteotomy) by RIF of the facial skeleton has become an accepted, and even expected, form of treatment. When the teeth of the maxilla and mandible are clenched, anatomic support for the midface is provided through a series of buttresses or struts that distribute masticatory forces from the teeth to skull base.19-21 The vertical struts of the midface are clinically the most important in management of Le Fort I maxillary fractures. The 3 principal vertical buttresses of the maxilla are the nasomaxillary (medial) buttress, zygomaticomaxillary (lateral) buttress, and the pterygomaxillary (posterior) buttress.4 The internal fixation of Le Fort I fractures should use miniplates and screws and be fixed at anterior and lateral buttresses for the ideal internal fixation, whereas the posterior buttress should be without fixation due to the surgical difficulty of the operative approach.4 Surgical treatment of Le Fort I fracture according to the â€Å"ideal internal fixation†produces satisfactory results, but patients sometimes complain of weak clenching after the operation. Very few comparisons of the different maxilla fixation modalities and their behavior have been reported currently. In clinical Le Fort I fracture treatment, restoration of the correct midfacial vertical height and anterior projection and restoration of occlusion are critical. Therefore, questions have arisen regarding the stability and number of plates required of adequate fixation of lefort fractures. The fixation of 2 miniplates on each side as suggested by AO/ASIF, provides adequate stability and conventionally it has been the standard treatment for lefort fractures , Farmand8 in 1992 developed new titanium miniplate system that takes advantage of biogeometry to provide stable fixation and he called it as three dimensional plating system. A geometrically closed quadrangular plates secured with bone screws creates stability in three dimensions. .These plates have low profile design, excellent biocompatibility, and minimal rebound after bending. The present study was carried on patient’s age group 10- 50 years with the mean being 33.14 years. The maximum number of patients were in a age group between 31- 50 years (nearly 50%).This is in accordance with the study of Khateeb T,Abdulla FM(2007)9. There was predominance of males in this study, male is to female ratio being 13:1,and percentage of male patients being 92%. .Motamedi MH (2003)10 observed in a retrospective study on 237 patients, percentage of male patients being 89% and that of female patients being 11%, our study is in accordance with this study. In this study road traffic accident (92%) were found to be the major etiological factor for the fracture of the middle third of the facial skeleton .These findings coincides with the findings of, Iida S, Kogo M 11 who reported road traffic accident to be the most common cause of injury in a retrospective analysis of 1502 patients with facial fractures. In the present study it was observed that among the maxillary fractures, Lefort II fractures( approx78%) were most common, this finding is in accordance with the study Motagemi MH (2003)10 which reported the incidence of Lefort II fractures to be 54.6% among all maxillary fractures in a five year retrospective study on 237 patients . In the present study, post traumatic parasthesia of the infraorbital nerve was present was present in 4 cases (57.14%) (out of the 7 patients with zygomatic complex fractures) which was clinically inferred as compression of nerve by fracture fragments .Anesthesia was relieved in 3(75%) out of 4 patients in a three month follow up period which found to be due to infra orbital nerve relieved from compression by means of reduction of fractured segments in to its correct position. c. Demen et al (1988)12 reported the presence of sensory disturbances of infraorbital nerve in 219 cases (80.2%) out of 273 patients The influence of treatment approach on the recovery of the injured infraorbital nerve is controversial in the literature .Several authors reported that frequency of persistent sensory disturbance is independent of the method of reduction and fixation of fracture. Deman and box (1993)12 state that reduction and fixation are important factors in recovery from sensory disturbances of infraorbital nerve. Taicher (1993)13, observed that there is higher recovery rate of infraorbital nerve with miniplate osteosynthesis than with other method of treatment .We report a (75%) recovery rate of in our study, Our results support these findings .This significantly high recovery rate with 3 D plate can be explained by the fact that fixation with 3 D plate provides better stability to the complex in all the three dimensions of movement? However there is no study in the literature on the recovery of infraorbital nerve after fixation with 3-D plates. In the present study occlusion was achieved in all the patients after surgery. Conventional treatment with maxillomandibular fixation is associated with its well known limitations and disadvantages. Klotch DW(1987)14 studied internal fixation versus conventional therapy in midface fractures and found that a more stable occlusion is achieved with internal fixation .S Anand, Thangavelu (2004)15studied the use of three dimensional plate fixation of fractures and osteotomies and stated that satisfactory occlusion was achieved in all the patients after internal fixation with 3- plates and no patient required any maxillomandibular fixation. Claude Guimond(2005)16 studied the use of 3-D plate for fixation of mandibular factures and reported similar findings in their study. As three dimensional plates provide stability in three dimensions of movement the need for maxillomandibular fixation is greatly diminished or moreover eliminated. Our study is in accordance with these studies. No patient reported for any type of postoperative infection, wound dehiscence during the period of three month follow up. Lia G (1997)17 reported the similar results in his study .He found no post operative complications in 30 treated cases of 3 D titanium bone plating. S Anand, Thangavelu (2004)15 studied the role of 3-dimensional plating system and did not reported any infection in their study .Claude Guimond(2005)16studied the use of 3-D plating in mandibular fractures and reported a significantly low rate of infection as compared with other systems. Farmand(1995)3 studied the use of 3-D plates in fixation of fracture and osteotmies and reported an significantly low rate of post operative infection with 3-D plates. No infection in our cases could be attributed to the preoperative antibiotic therapy in all patients,and proper sterilization technique. In none of the patients plates need to be removed exhibiting there excellent biocompatibility in this short period of study. Farmand(1992)18, in their respective studies on the use of three dimensional plates in oral and maxillofacial region did not report any hardware failure with the use of these plates ,our study is in accordance with these studies. Thus as a result of clinical experience it can be inferred that the use of 3 D plates and screw system in the management of midfacial fractures give good results in term of function ,esthetic and acceptability. However, owing to fewer numbers of cases, no definitive conclusions can be drawn, for this; studies with larger sample size and long term follow up are recommended.
Friday, October 25, 2019
My Writing :: Writing Composition Education Essays
My Writing When I look at myself as a writer, I never knew I could write like this. From grade school to high school I never really looked at myself as a really good writer. I doubted myself whenever a teacher said, â€Å"We are beginning another big paper.†I feared writing and never really gave my writing any thought. However, as I got into college, I knew I would be assigned numerous amounts of papers. As I walked in to the English classroom the very first day of college I was scared. I thought I wouldn’t get anywhere because I thought I couldn’t write anything. Giving much thought into the whole writing process and having many people behind me is when I knew I could write something. As my writing developed many signs of weaknesses and strengths showed through. I have many weaknesses as a writer. One weakness in particular would be that I have writer's block. I will be able to begin a paper but never really know where to go with it. When I am writing I tend to get blocked with words to say. I don’t want to not sound academic so I have to sit for a while at my computer and think of words to say. Another weakness I feel I have is that I waste time. I tend to just sit at my computer screen and feel lost. That is a waste of time for me. I need to find a way where I can just sit at my computer and write an entire paper at one time and then revise it. One other weakness I tend to have is that I never get my resources on time. I have a tendency to just get resources off line and never make a trip to the library. But now that I am in college I know I have to make many trips to the library. Aside from the weaknesses that I tend to have, there are a few strengths I am apt to be good at.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Learning institutions in America before public education
In the early part of American history, education was not for everyone. The masses usually came from agricultural communities were planting and harvesting crops were more important than education. On the other side of the fence, were the wealthy families, the businessmen, the landed and the politicians who were able to enjoy the benefits of education. The kind of education that the poor got was a few weeks of schooling during winter where teachers were not trained and school houses were decrepit and materials were lacking. The lessons were limited to basic skills to enable the children to write their names and count hens. The public education system that we presently have is a far cry from what has been in the past century. We owe the present form of education we have to Horace Mann, who campaigned for and worked to bring about social reforms and give each American the right to free education. Mann through his enthusiasm and devotion secured within his own state public support for schools. He encouraged businessmen to support building public schools since he believed that educating the masses would lead to greater economic progress. It goes to say that having a literate nation would spell more skilled and competent workers who would be the backbone of the factories at that time. More so, when the masses were given the right to vote, a growing awareness of the government’s obligations to its people came to light, the clamor for free education was strongest at this period. Mann faced a few difficulties in the form of opposition from prominent politicians and wealthy businessman and the clergy for education would be an equalizing factor between the rich and the poor and most especially because public schools would be competing with private and sectarian schools. Horace Mann also advocated public education for the masses as a means of bringing equality to the society. He argued that pubic schools made it possible for all citizens to exercise their right to free education without the encumbrances of religion or financial burdens. The individual could go to school without having to believe in something that is opposed to his cultural background and everyone could at least finish high school without the need to apply for loans or maintain a scholarship. The poor could concentrate on learning and in some ways to prepare for their future. Furthermore, Mann was able to integrate the schools in his state to a system that became the basis for the public education system in the country. He also advocated the establishment of normal schools to train teachers; he was against corporal punishment and instead focused and emphasized better teaching methods. Thus education gained the attention and funding that it never before had, and was established as one of the institutions of society. By the latter part of Mann’s life, the number of elementary and secondary schools had increased dramatically all over the country, but he did not stop there. He went on to work on changing higher educational system wherein the poor had the opportunity to be admitted to colleges until his death. Thus the door to educational advancement and success was opened to the masses.  Â
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
A Clockwork Orange Essay
The novel A Clockwork Orange written by Anthony Burgess and published in 1962 is a brilliant commentary on humanity and morality in our evermore controlling world. Burgess believes that the freedom to make moral choices is what seperates human beings from plant life and lower animals. He illustrates his beliefs on morality with his main character Alex. Alex is given freedom to make his own choices, and is able to see good and bad as both equally valid decisions. Once the state removes Alex’s right to make these moral choices he becomes nothing more then just a thing. This novel uses elements such as the Christian idea of morality to further this point. Also Burgess uses his own creation, the language of Nadsat to further this point that our reality is subjective to our moral stances in this world. The language Brugess developed is the fashionable dialect amongst the teens of A Clockwork Orange. Deemed Nadsat by Burgess to reflect the Russian roots of its dialect, â€Å"Indeed, the word ‘nadsat’ actually comes from the Russian suffix for ‘teen’. †(What Effects Does the Language in A Clockwork Orange Have on the Reader). Burgess developed the language of Nadsat after learning Russian for a trip he had been planning with his wife. This article explains the language as us elements of Anglo-American, but many of the words having Slavic roots. †The language,nadsat, is explained by Blake Morrison in his introduction to the book as, ‘essentially Anglo-American †¦ but many of the words are Slavic in origin,’. †(What Effects Does the Language in A Clockwork Orange Have on the Reader). This is a testament to Burgess’ ability to manipulate English and other origins of language to paint a picture and create an atmosphere with words. Another example of Burgess utilization of vocabulary is in main character Alex’s name, that stems from a-lex which has means without law, a fair testament to his personality, and behavior, â€Å"Another interesting feature of the book, related to the language, is the meaning of Alex’s name, which comes from a-lex, which means without, or outside the law. †(What Effects Does the Language in A Clockwork Orange Have on the Reader). The language was developed to have certain effects on the reader, and put emphasis on the first person perspective in which this novel was written. One of the effects the use of Nadsat has on the reader is creating a distancing feeling from reader to Alex and his story. This makes the reader feel like more of an outside observer to the happenings of this novel. However, dialect used like â€Å"O my brothers†creates a conflict effect to the effects of Nadsat, as it is inclusive as opposed to distancing. This gives the novel a feel that Alex is telling his story to you, a close friend, in a later more stable time in Alex’s life. This article establishes recognition of this incongruous literary device, â€Å"the way in which Alex addresses us, quite often with the words ‘O my brothers. ‘ makes the story being told more personal, as it seems to be just us that Alex is talking to, and we are in receipt of an amazing story which is only being told to a chosen few. This use of language is incongruous to the use of the nadsat†¦ †(What Effects Does the Language in A Clockwork Orange Have on the Reader). The trend of distancing through Nadsat is continued in the effect it has on dulling the violence and graphic content found throughout A Clockwork Orange. Most of the context in which Nadsat is used contains discussions of ultra violent behaviors. This allows the reader to judge and observe Alex with only a vague understanding of the extent of his violent and sinister activities. This article illustrates this point with a quote from Burgess, the violence in the book is partially veiled, making it seem less shocking. As Burgess himself explained;’to tolchock a chelloveck in the kishkas does not sound as bad as booting a man in the guts. ‘†(What Effects Does the Language in A Clockwork Orange Have on the Reader). Another effect Nadsat has on the reader is that it helps differentiate the teenagers from mature adults, or furthermore, those who carry a similar ideology, or hold a similar understanding to main character, Alex, and those who do not. As Illustrated in this article, â€Å"In one way, however, Burgess’ use of the nadsat provides a useful reference point for us in figuring out who among the characters is a ‘teen’ and who is not. †(What Effects Does the Language in A Clockwork Orange Have on the Reader). This point is also made by Alex in part three,†Oh, that,†I said, â€Å"is what we call nadsat talk. All the teens use that, sir. (A Clockwork Orange, 167). This article is an introduction to Brugess’ creation, Nadsat. It clarifies the roots and origins of the dialect found in a Clockwork Orange. Explaining where Anthony Burgess found the inspiration to develop the dialect to represent the youth of his novel. Also it helps the reader understand the effects Burgess is trying to have on your perception of the story with the introduction of Nadsat. These understandings all furthers your understanding and immersion into the story and ideals behind the story A Clockwork Orange, which I think is one of the many reasons this great story carries such a cult following. A clockwork orange Essay By the end of the novel Alex has changed as if by clockwork, because he cannot stop himself growing up into an adult and he knows that he will become one of the bullied people as the new youth are born, and if he has kids that they will go through the same process as he did, just like clockwork and he cannot stop it from happening: †and nor would I be able to stop him. And nor would he be able to stop his own son, brothers. And so it would itty on to like the end of the world†. After chapter two, he said â€Å"I am a clockwork orange†, this is because after Lodovico’s technique, he had no free will because as he could not even protect himself from fights because whatever the doctors said he would do, in this sense he has become a machine, or a clockwork toy, like children’s toys, as this novel has many references to children’s things, which have been warped, like the milk with drugs in it, and now Alex being a clockwork toy. These attempts to change him failed because he had become a mechanism of the doctors, and change was forced upon him, but the final chapter of the book shows that people change and mature naturally from within, change cannot be forced upon them. The novel â€Å"Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde†has a completely different structure to that of â€Å"A Clockwork orange†. In Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde there is the use of multiple narrators, instead of just the one. This tells us, that there was no voice for the people not in the higher class of society with the upper class only important, because all the narrators are all high-class people with well paid jobs, as seen by: â€Å"Mr Utterson the lawyer†this shows that Victorians had a very narrow view of society. This relates to Robert Louis Stevenson’s background because he was brought up in the upper middle classes of Edinburgh, he was raised as a Calvinist, in which the elect were the ones blessed by God, who turn out rich and the reprobates had a bad life, however Stevenson rebels against this and gives up law to become a writer, and he marries an already divorced woman with three children, he also by the final years of his life travels the world, this is why we only hear from Jekyll/Hyde in the last chapter, because Hyde represents rebellion , as Roberts life was very restricted, like Jekyll before he rebelled, but after he rebelled he was free like Hyde. Stevenson breaks the book apart in this way because at the time he wrote the book, society was disintegrating, as immigrants were coming to London bringing disease, religion was breaking apart because of science, crime was rising, and there was a huge division of classes, and Hyde in the novel is represented as foreign, as he is described as â€Å"some damned juggernaut†, which is a Indian religious statue which is carried through the streets not stopping even if people are crushed underneath it, portraying him a some sort of disease. The language of Jekyll represents that of the other narrators in the novel, because all of them are upper class men so they are expected to talk in a certain manner, as seen: â€Å"But I have been pedantically exact, as you call it†, this is quite a high class way of speech, and Jekyll is narrowed by this way of speech because he is high class. However in the final chapter, the language starts to change because he has to make a final decision about who to stay as, Jekyll, or Hyde, as he start to become scared, as when Jekyll starts to describe his transformation into Hyde the language becomes more fluent, fun, youthful language: â€Å"Edward Hyde would pass away like a stain of breath upon a mirror†However Jekyll’s speech was respectable, but with boundaries, and was very sharp and did not flow like Hyde’s. Jekyll enjoys evil in the form of Hyde, because in a way it gives Jekyll an opportunity to experience free life without having to be a lower class. He enjoys the life of Hyde more because it has no boundaries, and he feels free with it. In Jekyll’s normal life he is bounded by upper class rules so he has no passion, which he really wants. This resembles †A Clockwork Orange†, as the final chapter of A clockwork Orange, ends unhappily, because Alex has lost all his passion, and beauty, because of his changes in music: â€Å"I was slooshying more like malenky romantic songs†when he was small he was full of life when hearing Beethoven, and he has lost that as he has become older, his fun youth days have gone. This is like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde because with Jekyll his class binds him, so he cannot be free and have wild fun, but when he is Hyde he is free and youthful: â€Å"I was often plunged into a kind of wonder at my vicarious depravity†, he is also †younger, lighter, happier†, and he gets a †heady recklessness†when Hyde. Stevenson is like Hyde in the sense that, Hyde is a figure of rebellion again the upper class boundaries, and Stevenson did exactly the same as he rebelled against Calvinist beliefs. He could also be seen like Jekyll, bounded because of his class, but Stevenson bounded by his illness, and all the time he wanted to break free, and finally he did, to become an individual, not held back by beliefs, or morals. This novel says that morals and classes cannot bind human nature, people have to become what they become, and there is no stopping that, because as people grow they will change, and rebel against beliefs, which they think, are wrong. A Clockwork Orange Essay Anthony Burgess uses a number of devices to evoke both sympathy and empathy from the reader, most notably in the direction of the novella’s protagonist. Alex’s first person narrative thrusts the reader into the dystopian world Burgess creates and the twisted actions he undertakes as a part of his drug-fuelled ‘ultra-violence’. Despite this, the reader is also forced into grasping the understanding of the morally disturbed character and Burgess cleverly manipulates Alex as a representation of the young and troubled generation. The plot itself equally contributes to the readers feeling towards Alex as he additionally becomes a government subject; torturing his mind to remove any capacity of evil and the subsequent downward spiral his life takes. But Burgess continually begs the question: is it possible to feel sympathy for a character capable of the most disgraceful crimes? Structurally, Burgess uses the formation of the novella itself and the division of the parts as a method of finding empathy for Alex. Each part begins with the same question to the reader: â€Å"What’s it going to be then, eh? †which at the start appears innocuous as they decide on their night’s dwellings. But this is repeated in the beginning of the second part as Alex is imprisoned; the same question now has an alternative meaning, his future looks bleak and he is sentenced to a stint in prison because of the murder he commits. Instead of an innocuous question, it now is a meaningful question in the readers head evoking empathy by the uncertainty of his punishment and the impending circumstances of the ‘staja’. Yet the final repetition of the question in the concluding part of the novella enforces the most empathy. Firstly the cyclical nature of the question as it refers right back to the beginning suggests to the reader that perhaps Alex is now actually faced with a choice to either improve his life or to continue to neglect his obvious intelligence. What evokes perhaps the most empathy is that because of his torturing under the Ludivico Technique, he no longer has the capacity to commit evil and free will is ripped away from him. The reader is forced into a moral dilemma through Burgess’s manipulation of the structure which confirms the fear that he has become ‘A Clockwork Orange’. One of the most effective methods Burgess uses is the first person narrative of Alex. First person becomes a tool in the novella which allows Alex to convey his deepest thoughts to the reader, and the perspective of events. Because Burgess uses first person narrative, the reader is forced into the mind of Alex, giving an excellent insight into the absence of morality in the main character. Alex says: â€Å"where was I to go, who had no home and not much cutter? †despite being a criminal, the first person narrative immediately changes the viewpoint for the reader who now sympathises with Alex who is seemingly helpless and abandoned. Burgess successfully uses this narrative to ensure that the reader’s reaction is maximised; the closer to the action the reader is, the more likely they are to feel emotion for the character involved. In the context of the novella, this is following from his family’s rejection of him who have replaced him with ‘Joe’; adding to the sympathy from the reader because family is supposedly the main body of support in life and when your family fails you, that renders you helpless. Alex’s narrative certainly includes numerous examples of emotive language â€Å"I’ve suffered and I’ve suffered and everybody wants me to go on suffering†here the repetition of the word â€Å"suffering†cements the idea to the reader that this is a character who has faced adversity and has appears to have the world against him. The first person narrative immediately sides the reader with Alex, defending his actions when everybody else turns on him. The word â€Å"suffering†suggests the pain Alex has been through, which Burgess conveys to the reader in order to connect with the character in spite of his sickening acts. The device of first person narrative develops into a powerful method of evoking empathy of the reader; shared emotions of the troubled character allow the reader to enter Alex’s mind and the thought process behind the violence thus excusing him from even the most unacceptable atrocities. How Alex addresses the reader is also a method which Burgess uses as a connecting link. Whilst in first person narrative, he addresses the reader continually: â€Å"O, my brothers†. Initially this appears to be neither transcending nor condescending which gives the reader a certain relation to Alex, as if he was a regular person somebody would meet. But also the connotations of the word â€Å"brother†is significant as it develops a fraternal relationship between the reader and Alex; a family, brotherly bond where the trouble Alex finds himself in, the reader understands and can even begin defending him. But as the plot progresses Alex also appeals to the reader directly labelling himself: â€Å"Your Humble Narrator†. The language is suggestive of Alex lowering of himself, in service to the reader. To the reader, this changes the relationship previously outlined by the character who now considers himself beneath his superiors and perhaps this is a result of the continual demise of his life and his treatment, the lack of confidence and recognition of his place on the social hierarchy. The character of Alex himself can certainly be seen as a device constructed by Burgess which attracts sympathy. Notably, his love of classical music is considered an acquired taste and is associated with the higher class things in life as a fine art. But his passion for it is evident: â€Å"Then, brothers, it came. Oh, bliss, bliss and heaven†and his reaction upon hearing his favourite sound is interesting as he closes himself from the rest of the world in his corner of his bedroom. In relation to a 1960’s audience when classical music was perhaps more common in society, Alex’s preference would have certainly be shared with many people of the era. The effect this has is that both the reader and the main character have a shared taste, a common ground, linking them. Here, sympathy is created by Burgess as the readers feel closer to Alex through his love of classical music, giving him a more human side despite his violent tendencies. In conclusion, the novella on the whole culminates to evoke sympathy for the main character. Burgess main device of achieving so is certainly the first person narrative in which the audience is given the clearest insight into the protagonist’s actions and thoughts; making a strong bond from the beginning. Rather than ‘not encouraging to find much sympathy’ indeed it is actually hard to not find sympathy in the character of Alex. Ultimately the audience’s moral dilemma of feeling sympathy for a character capable of the most sinister acts is overridden by the embedded human nature of nurturing and rehabilitation; even the most evil of criminals can be put on the right path and change their ways. A clockwork orange Essay Q1. What do we learn about the character of Alex in â€Å"A clockwork orange†form the first four chapters? In â€Å"A clockwork orange†Alex is the main character, there are also 3 other important characters too they are Dim, Pete and Georgie, they are all in the same gang. Alex is the leader of this gang we know this because he calls Dim, Pete and Georgie â€Å"his droogs†. Alex is fifteen years old and he is a teenager who enjoys drinking and taking drugs, like all teenagers he is rebellious. He has a lot of power over people and can be quite manipulating at times as in chapter one he buys some drinks for some ‘old baboochkas’ so he has an alibi. We find out that Alex is fascinated and enjoys violence and sex. He chooses to do the bad things he does because he likes to do them ‘But what I do I do because I like to do’. We learn that Alex is well educated and can speak politely to people who are able to find out what he does and make him stop doing what he does, like P. R. Deltoid, his post-corrective adviser; he talks to him very politely however he does go over the top on the politeness and sounds patronising for example ‘to what do I owe the extreme pleasure? Is anything wrong, sir? ‘ we learn that he doesn’t care for anyone than himself, otherwise I don’t think he would of caused pain to innocent people. He doesn’t like to be dirty, and when Dim was all dirty and looked a mess Alex and the other two characters tidied him up. I don’t think he feels guilty after all the crimes that he commits however I do feel that he sometimes holds back and he only does the bad things he does when he has taken drugs. As well as enjoying violence and sex he enjoys classical music especially Beethoven’s ninth symphony, as when he rapes a woman in her home he puts classical music on and the way he describes the music ‘slooshying the sluice of lovely sounds’. In chapter three he associates violence with the music and climax’s with the music whilst thinking about violence. Alex is very much of an individual. Q2. What effects does the style of the novel create? The way ‘A clockwork orange’ is written is using a mixture of slang, old English, cockney rhyming slang, and foreign words, this is because it is Alex’s own special gang language. Every gang at the time had their own gang language, which could be very different or very alike to Alex’s, to this day people around the country have their own gang language. The way Anthony Burgess has written the novel has made the reader feel very involved in the violence; I sometimes feel that I have actually witnessed Alex doing the dreadful things he does. The writer has achieved this by preaching to the reader ‘O my brothers’. The word brother makes you feel part of his gang, when he is speaking to his other gang members or describing something he is doing or done, he will almost every time say ‘my brother’. The way Alex describes things he likes doing he does in so much detail and it really makes the reader feel the same way Alex does about what he likes. As it is from a males view point women aren’t seen as good as men and they are only there for sex. Q3. What do we learn of the society of the novel? In this novel we learn that the society or the area Alex lives is a very rundown area, and it is a working class area. We know there is a lot of trouble in the area as when P. R. Deltoid comes to see Alex, Alex describes him as ‘an overworked veck with hundreds on his book’ this meaning that P. R. Deltoid had lots of trouble makers to see that morning and that he had been in his job for a long time. Also people wont go out at night because of all the crime. His dad says ‘but we don’t go out much now. We daren’t go out much, the streets being what they are. Young hooligans and so on’. This also suggests that there is a big lack of police in the area to control the crime, the authority is undermined by the younger generation. There is also a lot of vandalism in the area as the ‘old municipal painting’ in his flatblock had been graffiti on by people drawing rude things on it. The painting was to show the society of the area and it describes the painting as ‘vecks and ptitsas very well developed, stern in the dignity of labour, at workbench and machine with not one stitch of platties on their well-developed plots. ‘ This is saying that the people in the society are working class however they are proud of what they do. I feel that there isn’t a lot of trust in the area as well and that everyone is frightened of each other because in chapter two the woman at the door had the chain on the door so it is obvious that she is aware of all the crime in the area and is also scared. Although in chapter four the two young girls did not know about the danger of being around Alex maybe this is because they were so vulnerable or they were not aware of the danger in the area. A Clockwork Orange Essay I chose for my text transformation to use the base text ‘A Clockwork Orange’ by Anthony Burgess. This novel interested me because of its individual language of ‘Nadsat’, a form of slang created by Burgess for gangs of violent English teenagers. The slang serves a serious purpose, which is too keep the violence of the protagonist from becoming unbearable to its reader, keeping the language partly veiled, for example making ‘gratizny bratchny’ sound more pleasant than its meaning ‘dirty bastard’. It is important to realise that its audience of the 60’s have not yet become subject to such violence and despair explored in the novel. So what have I done? I have taken four characters from the novel (Alex’s parents, Alex and the schoolmaster) and placed them into ‘The Jerry Springer Show’, creating a parody of the show. I have given Alex’s parents the names of Janet and Derek and looked at their perspective of Alex’s violent activities. As I would chronologically slot the show in just before the police catch him, I have kept Alex’s attitude of his enjoyment of violence. When the schoolmaster has been beaten up and staggers off, that is the last we have heard of him in the novel, I decided to give him a voice and see what he would have said about his attack. So why did I choose to do this? ‘The Jerry Springer Show’ is a dysfunctional show and Alex is a dysfunctional character. Jerry Springer’s show is amoral TV; it is outrageous, shocking, scandalous and hilarious. The show has no limits. Nearly all stories have major big twists that unfold as more guests get called out. These guests often get violent and try to kick and punch other parties involved, whilst typically Jerry tries to redeem his guests. This is why I think it works well with the character of Alex and his behaviour seen in the novel. The novel represents the society in which Alex lives in as complete dystopian, dark and dismal, with no law and order. ‘The Jerry Springer Show’ is a chat show, although it is very staged with his agenda-setting questions and appearing guests, the show is almost entirely full of spontaneous speech. Therefore I decided to do a transcript version of the show, although obviously not true to its discourse as I would be giving the characters a voice as appose to spontaneous speech written down as it is heard. Jerry Springer, as an American, has his own geographical dialect. It was important to keep this as well as phrases ‘singly the best audience’ and his own idiolect ‘right’, ‘well’, ‘hey’, ‘so’, to indicate his regional origin. Jerry has an informal register that contains much ellipsis, such as â€Å"you’re singly the best†and â€Å"here ’cause you love†. The graphology of the transformation is laid out in the convention of the transcript. The names of the characters have been placed on the left hand side indicating who is talking and to the right, is what is actually being said: â€Å"Alex: are you saying do i enjoy lubbilubbing with a devotchas Janet: against their will alex against their will Alex: not recently no em†Sounds that are not fore grounded I have placed in italics for example, the audience’s reactions to the quests comments â€Å"(Audience boos loudly)†. As this is a transcript and not a play, I have not included stage directions or actions taken by the characters, as a recording of the show a transcript would only contain sounds heard on the recorder. The syntax of Alex and his friends, in the novel, is completely different to that of any other characters. The Nadsat slang has derived from many different language sources but many are Slavic in origin. A mixture of Russian and demotic English, with elements of rhyming slang and gypsy talk, ‘O my brothers’, as well as anglicized words and amputations ’em’, ‘pee’.
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